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Our services

At zerow, we work with a network of social psychologists, play architects, developers and artists, to deliver playful interventions that adapt a specific human behavior. We setup the team that best fits your goals.


From understanding how a playful intervention can help achieve your goals, to delivering a final product that actually achieves your goals, we offer a full service from start to finish.


Discover the right playful intervention for reaching the objective

We facilitate the playful discovery in finding the right playful intervention for your objective. Together with relevant stakeholders, we show how play can drive behavior, and set the goal and desired behavior. Based on that, we research the target group and define playful intervention methods (or games) that fit best.


This sets the foundation for future play design and development.

Design & Development

Design & Develop your game from early prototype to completed product

We design & test one or a few play concepts that achieve the desired behavioral adaptation. With a completed game design, we deliver project management and production of the game, from prototype to completed product. We work with studios & developers that best fit the type of game.


During this phase, we frequently let focus groups play with versions of the game, to test whether the product will actually impact behavior.

1 Discovery

Playful discovery where key elements for delivering sustainable impact are explored. Together with relevant stakeholders, we set the goal and desired behavior, define the type of people we are addressing, and describe playful intervention methods that fit best. This sets the foundation for future play design and development.

2 Discovery+

Behavioral research with the target group, in collaboration with a team of social psychologists. This increases the impact of the playful intervention, since we better understand the target groups’ intrinsic motivations, media usage, and current perceptions and abilities.

3 Design

Design of one or a few play concepts that trigger the desired behavior. Testing these play concepts with focus groups.


4 Development

Project management and production of the playful intervention or game, from prototype to completed product, including regular testing of produced game versions with focus groups. We work with the studios & developers that best fit the type of game.

5 Monitoring

Regular monitoring if the playful intervention is bringing the desired behavioral change and when necessary make updates for improvement.

Impact areas for behavior


Improve energy systems, shift to renewable energy, efficient use of energy & water resources

We still rely on fossil fuels to meet our energy demands. With high gas prices, people move to renewable energy and save on fossil energy use.

When gas prices go down again, we return to our old behavior, because the changed behavior was externally motivated (money).


By exposing people to a fitting playful intervention, we shift their intrinsic motivations and abilities, resulting in a more sustainable behavior.

Circular economy

improve usage and waste management of plastics, electronics, clothing

Anything we throw in the trash is not really waste. It is a resource that can be reused or converted to something usable. We unnecessarily throw a way a lot of materials. And a big reason why we do this is because we lack the knowledge what the negative effects are on the environment, and on us personally.


Many articles and videos are made to address this, but they don’t reach us enough or push us enough to adapt our behavior.


Playful interventions grab the attention and through regular interaction grows the knowledge and trains the abilities to find better ways to use materials. Well designed interventions are integrated in existing activities, making it easier to try the preferred behavior.

Food & land use

Address plant-based diets & food waste, protect ecosystems (e.g. forests, gardens, peatlands), shift agricultural practices.

With the growing world population, the way we grow, choose and trash our food is one of the biggest causes of climate change.

There are many solutions to effectively address this, including clear books, articles and videos how to change. But since behavior is at the primary cause, these methods are not enough.


Playful interventions grab the attention and through regular interaction grows the knowledge and trains the abilities to, for example, choose plant-based meals.

Ready to work towards a zero waste planet through play?

Let’s talk and see how play can help in your situation.