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About us

zerow designs playful interventions that adapt human behavior to make the best choice for a healthier planet. With 25 years of serious gaming experience in healthcare and climate, we are system thinkers able to play with complex systems ourselves, and make them playable for others.


We work with a network of behavioral scientists, developers and artists to develop the best solution to the given situation.

Play for a zero waste planet

Why we founded green leaps

Play is a strong mechanism for human development. We see this a lot in our childhood. But also as adults, playful activities let us grow, we just don’t notice it.


Normally play is used for fun. But today, we see play elements applied in a lot of “serious topics”as well. Organizations worldwide are successfully using various playful mechanisms – whether it’s mobile games, gamified web applications, or interactive playful experiences – to steer people to think and act differently.


Our sister company, Games for Health, implemented more than 800 games, apps and interactions to improve the public health of citizens.


Sadly, we don’t see play applied enough in a sustainability context. A wasted potential. Especially when you see how humans are damaging our planet so much we are bringing ourselves to extinction.


Knowing the power of play our path forward was simple – let’s make playful concepts that adapt human behavior to improve planetary health.


That’s why we speak with private and government organizations, and design the appropriate play activities linked to sustainability objectives.

About Antoin Linssen

Antoin is green leaps’ Managing Director. He also leads commercial and project-related activities.

After a career in creating music for video games, Antoin spent 15 years in developing marketing concepts, campaigns, events, business models and value propositions for large technology-focused companies. In all his work, understanding human behavior and building the appropriate concept was a core element.

When Antoin is not working, he enjoys running, playing the piano, and being outdoors and playing games with his wife and children.

About Jurriaan van Rijswijk

Jurriaan is green leaps’ Play Advisor, developing game strategies and designs to adapt behavior.

All humans are born to play. But Jurriaan was born to “create play”. He developed and produced more than 800 applied games and game concepts. Many of his games won various awards and/or are clinically and/or scientifically validated.

At Games for Health, he developed playful activities and games for, among others, healthcare professionals, therapies for patients with chronic illnesses, mental and emotional health therapies, lifestyle interventions and rehabilitation.

Ready to work towards a zero waste planet through play?

Are you an organisation aiming to address climate change? And do you believe human behavior is stopping you from reaching that objective?


Then let’s start the dialogue how play concepts may help to address your objectives.